Advanced Middle School
This schedule is a rough breakdown of the two full camp weeks, but much planning is still to be done!
week one
Day 1: getting to know you through team building games, and getting to know the music, characters and story; AUDITIONS
Day 2: casting announced; script read and sing through, team building, learning the story
Day 3: DANCE begins, music, games
Day 4: Dance continues, music, games
week two
Day 6: blocking/staging continues, music, games, journal writing activity
Day 7: blocking/staging continues
Day 8: stumble-throughs and run-throughs
Day 9: run through AM; dress rehearsals for preschool kids
Day 10: tech run through in AM
Friday Night show - 6pm
DAY 11: Final show day
SHOW TIME- 10am. we are making it early in case the heat is unbearable. Call time for kids will be regular camp time: 8:30am